Divisions of the Nervous System

Divisions of the Nervous SystemCentral Nervous System (CNS)StructuresBrainSpinal CordIncludes tracts and nucleiPeripheral Nervous System (PNS)StructuresSpinal Nerves31 pairsMixed (Motor and Sensory)Cranial Nerves12 PairsSome are motor, some sensory, some are m ...Sensory ReceptorsGangliaDivisions of PNSSomaticEffectorsSkeletal MusclesNumber of neurons from CNS to Effectors1 neuron - secretes acetylcholine - neur ...VoluntaryAutonomicEffectorsSmooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glandsNumber of neurons from CNS to effectors2 neuronsInvoluntaryDivisions of Autonomic Nervous SystemParasympatheticResponsible for rest and digestPreganglionic neuron secretes acetylchol ...Postganglionic neuron also secretes acet ...Craniosacral outflow, long preganglionic ...SympatheticResponsible for fight or flightPreganglionic neuron secretes acetylchol ...Postganglionic neuron secretes norepinep ...Thoracolumbar outflow, short preganglion ...
Divisions of the Nervous System